Monday, November 5, 2012

We're OBSESSED with this city

Kristine and I are in LOVE with Hong Kong!!! EVERYTHING is so cute and we are suckers for aesthetics. We don’t have to window shop because we just stare at the women passing by, our pitch increases whenever children are near. Our viliage is so calm and wonderful to come back to. And the Ramen here is spicy. I’m packing a suitcase-ful to bring home! Here are some snapshots of our adventures (the internet is in chinese over here and I can' figure out how to rotate the pics so bear with me haha.....

 Everything in Hong Kong is so Cute. This is an upper end coffee shop on the Island side, where all the westerners live. We had a personal British guide from church take us to the Island hot spots (in blue). Hong Kong is a tight-knit community for westerners and they all have dream jobs and posh social lives- a fun idea.
 We had Dim Sum in China for lunch. So cute!!! Comes in little bamboo baskets. Our Hong Kong friend Christy helped us pick out things. Lots of Dumplings with meats and veggies- most similar to pot stickers, only jucier and more flavorful. So Yum!
 waiting in the hectic line for Victoria Peak

 This is right next to the IFC tower (2nd tallest in Hong Kong with claws at the top) Huge skyscraper with mall below with Korean guys playing jazz. Inside, white marble floors echo voices as everything seems to sparkle. On the deck here above, are tons of chic bars and couches where the “cool” kids hang out.
 Irish Coffee!!!! Everything here is so stinking adorable!!!! Fun coffee shop

 Japanese style food (which is apparently very trendy right now in hk)- you pick your own raw veggies and meat and cook them in the pot. It took us 90 minutes to eat and with chopsticks is one of the most frustrating meals I’ve ever experienced, but the cooking time left moments for Kristine and I to connect with our new church friends who soooo welcomed us and took us out to eat. They love that we are from San Diego and want us to move here. They are from all over Singapore, Indonesia and other parts of Asia. We will be going to church with them every Sunday at C3 and seeing some of them throughout the week J yay, hk friends!!!

 Ladies market- 20 blocks of mom and pop stands with everything you could possibly imagine, very local.

The peak is AMAZING!!! Breathtaking. You feel like you are on top of the world and you can see the entire city. Incredibly romantic. It wouldn’t be hk if there also wasn’t a mall attached. Kristine and I jammed out to Brittany Spears in the bookstore and met the cutest girl named Kelsey in a souvenier shop. She was 8 and far better dressed and polished with curly hair and shiny shoes. She made us look like bums. All the asian children here are sooooooooooo cute!!!!
 Every Sunday the entire Filipino population lines the streets of saks ffifth, Armani, Prada ect and trade clothes, exchange food, and just sit on the side of the street for hours, def some staged Gangnam style dancing to PSY happening #mademyday

 All the Chinese wash their chopsticks, bowls and cups in the tea before using them- a fun little custom before teatime
Absolutely beautiful. The picture cannot do justice to the moment

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