Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thailand Update

We are in Thailand!!!! The internet here is craaazy slow, so pictures to follow! And we are sooo busy and tired at the end of each day trying to soak it all in.

Here's what you need to know:
I love it here!!!!

It's so green!!!

The food is indescribable. I'm convinced they put magic inside...spicy magic!

Kristine's YWAM friends are so fun!!!! We just hung out and danced ata friends house and they take us to all the best restaurants

Really enjoyed catching up with Norman and Debbie ( the contacts we were with last time I was in Thailand)- an encouraging and God- focused conversation with beautiful people!

Got a Thai massage #paradise

We went on another hike up doi si tep, with an amazing view of the city

We got to pet live tigers on Thanksgiving and in the evening we met up with all the Americans in Chiang Mai for Thanksgiving dinner, but we substituted chicken for turkey--- so cute! Ella fitzgerald played in the background and the candles lit the tables in the yard.The kids played tag and the moment was simply beautiful. Definitely a time to be thankful for all God's blessings

We go see a family of 8 adopted orphans everyday. They warmed up to me on the 2nd day and I fell in love! Everyday we go for a couple hours and play tickle or badmitten or tree climbing or chase.... I adore them. They will be the hardest to leave. We were laughing in the street as I pounded the pavement with my bare feet like they did. White doves flew over our heads, the green mountain towered in the background and the giant palm tree was perfectly silhouetted by the setting sun. We ran and laugehd and sweated. This is my life. Wow. I am humbled and grateful for these moments :)

Coming back to Thailand makes me nostalgic because of how much I grew when I was last here. It's strange and yet there is adventure int he city. It's exploded! Way more cars, traffic and westerners, so the buz of something coming is in the air. Tomorrow we shop!!! yay!

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