Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Random HK photos

Here are some more random photos!!!!

Um... the most amazing hike EVER!!! 

The hike is so old. Up and down, like the back of a dragon

The SAN DIEGO crew! We had so much fun and laughed almost the whole time... Killer stairs. Man in Asia stairs are no joke!

Our friend Virlu teaches English in Hong Kong... It's tempting to think I could do the same. She is originally from San Diego.



Eric took us to the HOT spot where all the young adults hang out and a lot of westerners. We literally went out at 1am and got on the metro at 6am. so. much. fun!

The evening always begins at 7-eleven, affectionately called club 7 eleven. Everyone gets cheap beer and hangs out in the streets before hitting the bars lol. It's hilarious. Basically everyone is scoping out who else is there. It feels like a college scene, except for late 20 early 30 people.

 We took a ferry ride across the water. You can see the whole skyline.

Singin in the Rain!!!!! The rain here is prettier somehow!!!

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