Monday, November 19, 2012

Swadica- Welocme to Thailand!


Definitely plan your trip to the airport ahead of time and ESPECIALLY when you are in a foreign country. KP and I had a plan... a vague plan. Everyone in Hong Kong is so chill we thought it would work out.... So we were supposed to catch this smaller bus to a bigger bus that goes to the airport. Except that no one told us the bus comes every 40 mins and we definitely missed it. But that's cool. I went to college so I guess I have problem solving skills. We can just take a taxi. So let's figure out where to pick one up. And of course in the back of our minds we have a time clock ticking. We see this cute little Chinese schoolgirl walking and ask her if she speaks English. A little. We ask her where to get a taxi and discover girl don't speak good English. So we continue to round the corner and there is a TAXI! We hop inside and tell him where to go and he doesn't speak ANY English. We vaguely know the direction of the stop we are headed. We've been there once before at night and going the opposite direction, but we could probably figure it out. So then we play a scary game of pointing left and right. This looks right, oh, that kind of looks familiar. Then we get tot his strange stretch that looks completely unfamiliar. We're definitely lost. Pull Over, we will get out and find and English speaking taxi driver. So he drops us off and then we realize we are at the place we are supposed to be!!!! God totally kicked it down! We get in line for the right bus and cram on with everyone else like Sardines, but the bus ride is Gorgeous- bridges, waterways and skyrises.

Get to the airport, board the plane. Oh and the guy I'm sitting next to I think is British because he keeps mumbling something about cheers, but he definitely has Tourette's because he kept elbowing me in his sleep and the pilot was hungover because it was the craziest turbulence I've ever experienced. Yes, totally his fault. Then Kristine wanted to take a 8 hour train to Chaing Mai because we flew into Bangkok. But we bought a flight instead. BEST part about Thailand is the food! I had green curry and thai iced tea!!!! They put magic inside. Best airport food I will eat ever! Then we arrive in Chaing Mai and it is perfect and gorgeous and green and much prettier than I remember! It is so fun to be back here again. It feels so right and familiar. The air is cozy. Then Kristine and I waltz out of the airport and start walking down the street with our ghetto rigged bags like hobos. Lots of stares. We find the airport mall and chill for a few hours trying to figure out the name of where we are staying and then get in another Taxi- sung tao (there is no back- it's completely open) with a guy who only speaks Thai. Here we go again! and the city has changed so much since 2009 when K lived here so she doesn't recognize anything. But God so was with us and she found a familiar 7 eleven. And now we sit in out cute little thai room ready for an exciting week!!!!

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