Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thailand Photos

It was beautiful for me to go to Thailand again. Ever since I went 3 years ago, I've been wanting to return. The food there is INCREDIBLE! The thai know how to do spice. Kristine and I got to reconnect with our friends and explore what we didn't see last time. Here's some pics!

This is us at Ginger- a gorgeous romantic Thai restaurant. We ATE so much Thai food... In face that was our goal- to eat as much yummy thai as possible. Good thing we were walking so much!

The view from the back of a sung tao- it's an open air taxi. We took these everywhere! I loved sticking my head out the side window at night

 I took 393848474 pictures of food. Here is one of them- classic pad thai and I'm pretty sure we had thai iced tea EVERY DAY

Kristine and I were laughing so hard. HOW TO use a western toilet.

These are the contacts I stayed with when I first came to Thailand in 2009. I love these people. We enjoyed the afternoon and had the best conversation!

 We hiked Doi Su Thep- a big mountain with a temple at the top- one of the views. Thailand is so luscious!


 We were in Thailand for Thanksgiving, so we celebrated with some YWAMers, who hosted a huge thanksgiving. We had chicken instead of Turkey, but ti was delicious! Definitely a lot to be thankful for!

 Possibly the coolest thing EVER!!! We got to interact with tigers. They are such beautiful animals!

You have to pet them from behind, so they aren't startled or challenged.

 CUTEST!!!! THING!!! EVER!!!! I want one. In white with blue eyes please! They would make their little kitten growling sounds and Kristine got to feed one. They are so playful, this one was sleeping.

My buddy! I could get used to this!!!!

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