Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Closing thoughts

This trip was refreshing and it was nice that we were ale to stay almost a full month. Kristine and I were laughing because we feel like this could be home. God gave us a lot of favor. We met a lot of people and became instant friends. The western community in Hong Kong is so small that I guess everyone meets each other rather quickly. That was rather unexpected for being is such a HUGE city.

Kristine and I got dirty, painted, moved furniture, survived spider infestation, played with children and taught them english, reconnected with old friends, ate taste bud bursting food, danced, hiked, walked everywhere and LAUGHED and LAUGHED so hard. At everything.

Random story- On the night we went out on the town, K and I were rushing to make the last metro to downtown. Our village is very quiet so we tip toed out of the base, locked the gate and snuck around the corners trying not to make noise. However, the second we rounded one corner of brick buildings, we figured out that the entire village was having a party at midnight!! What? The second they saw us all dressed up the whoops and hollering began. They waved "hello!" "happy hour?" They shouted. I got embarrassed and started running, which made them cheer louder--while K was just laughing. We passed  eventually only to turn another corner and get the second wave. "Hi" I said as I ran by... They were all laughing and whooping and whistling. I guess Chinese girls don't really ever dress like this in the villages. ooops. ... It was sprinkling so we jumped in a taxi, just laughing to ourselves. My sides hurt from the giggling. Then the driver spoke English and asked us all these questions. The kicker -- "Can I get a picture of you two? It's not often you see such beautiful girls" K and I exchanged glances and smiled. "Sure" and then we ran into the metro laughing. We blended much better as soon as we hit downtown. Then we danced all night. Literally. We got back home around 730 am exhausted. One for the memory book.

We LOVED our time with the kids!!! In Hong Kong we got to teach the children English and We got to go just love on orpahans in Thailand. We got rather attached and want to send Christmas gifts. God totally protected and took care of us the entire trip.

The most beautiful thing was how God spoke to our hearts. We both grew closer to him and had great life revelations. God told me some things to hang onto for the future and He was so sweet about it.

We fell in love with the people at the base! The YWAMers were so precious. Kristine didn't know there were actual people who lived in Fiji until we met Thomas. She thought the whole country just manufactured water. It became the running joke. We would stop by our friend Daniel's room to say good night. Our roommate Rachel was so bubbly and we laughed with her a lot. She is from Brazil so we may meet up for Olympics 2016...Bettina was from Switzerland and had the most precious smile. She was younger than us, so K and I absolutely adored her. Mari and Phyllis were total sweethearts. They were so helpful and fun to talk to. Yay for facebook!!!

I am alive. I am refreshed. K and I are entertaining someday living in HK together and teaching English. But for now, I am excited to be back in La in my own cozy room. I'm totally stoked for what God has for me here. He gave me new eyes for this city, which is exciting. Of course, with my traveling addiction, all I can think about is where I would like to go next. Ireland? Isreal? We will see :)

Thanks friends and Family for reading. Or browsing. If you have any questions, please ask!!! Know that God has a plan for your life, something unique and special an remember that God is good. I forgot these things when I went through my post college crisis/ transition. I am so excited to be hopeful again and to feel like myself. Sometimes we need a wake up call. Be encouraged and have fun! Enjoy! Do the crazy things! Much Love!!!!


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