Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ministries of LOVE

Here are some different outeaches we've done:

We went out to deliver food to the drug addicts of the city the other night. We prayed then packed boxes of white rice, steamed veggies and chicken. We passed them out to the people. These people have no jobs and spend their days by the clinic because the government will give them drugs to keep them from doing dangerous  crimes. Yes, logical. I like that we are able to bless them in a practical way. I tried to start conversations, but no one really spoke English. It was mostly awkward, but I smiled a lot to make up for the barrier. The little girl I tried to befriend kept running away from me shyly. Anyway, KP and I were fascinated because the little girl was blowing bubbles. So, her uncle came up blew cigarette smoke into the bubbles to make smoke bubbles and she giggled as she popped them and the smoke drifted out.

The same evening we went downtown to do a late night prayer walk. We were specifically targeting the red light district. We went around and noticed all the hourly hotels that we actually had passed by many times earlier in the trip. After they were pointed out to us, we saw the signs everywhere. The most heart wrenching moment for me was when we walked by a sign that listed: “Chinese, Russian, Malaysian, Vietnamese…ect” with various prices next to the different races. Girls bought for their race. The reality hit me and I literally got sick to my stomach. That’s never happened to me before. We went to a nearby park and prayed for the city, for the girls and worshipped God. Life is so different for so many people. And it’s culturally accepted that businessmen hire prostitutes on the weekends. What an empty way to live. We continue to pray.

KP and I visited a Napali church service this evening. The worship is an hour and the message is about an hour. Of course, it was in Napali, but there was a friendly 12 year old boy to translate for us and tell us which Bible verses to read. “It’s okay, I speak English,” he whispered kindly with a smile. The spirit of God does not know language barriers because God was speaking to me so strongly in that service. The church was small with white walls, neon lights and minimal Christmas decorations. The people are humble and simple. As they sang, tears began to well in my eyes because of the purity of their love and worship. I don’t know if you have ever been overwhelmed by the beauty of a specific people or community, but their peaceful yet passionate worship was enchanting. After every service, they eat traditional Napali food, and can I just say, best chicken wings I’ve ever had. Rice, curry, spice- so good. The children adored Kristine. Most everyone our age and younger spoke English, so we made a lot of friends and quickly. One of the little girls asked KP if she would be her BFF right before taking cute, goofy pictures together. Great. Now I have to compete with an adorable 8 year old. It was truly a pleasure to go and they wanted us to come back and stay in HK longer. This seems to be a theme with the people we meet. God has given us so much favor with people on this trip and we have had the honor of making so many instant best friends. Sheesh, why can’t I make friends like this in LA?! The C3 and YWAM people also want us to stay. KP and I were talking, “It’s a good thing we are going to Thailand next week. I’m already getting emotionally attached to everyone.”

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