Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We have been loving the YWAM people here! Very few are Americans, but they are all so kind. We teach the Chnese students English in the afternoons. I got a beginning group of 6 year olds. The cute, quiet one is my favorite. I imagine if I was 6 and Chinese, I would be like her. They are a little rambunctious, but we have a grand time. We are also washing cars, painting windows, scrubbing mildew and washing walls to get the facility ready for the next season. Everyone is really grateful for our help. On our off time, we see the city with our new best friend, Eric. He has lived in San Diego for 3 years working with C3 there, so we have a lot in common. He takes Kristine and I around to all the “hot spots” in the city. We all laugh and joke around so much it hurts. Lots of fun memories!

 This is eric, our pretty legit tour guide.

 Above is our other San Diego friend, Verilu! She took us out for these AMAZING burgers with bree (spelling?) cheese melted on top!!!

 Tim Shau Tsui or TST as the locals call it. The downtown place to hang out, shop and get street food!!!

 Mang Kok ladies market- most densely populated area in the WORLD….as you can see here….where’s waldo (or Christina) haha. Can you find me. Although this game would work better with Kristine. Her black hair blends better…

 Micky D's!!!! We went there to sit down because, oh yeah, China has no benches. none. too many people. That's proably why they are all so skinny....

 Did I mention we lovvvvve the metro???. This is one of the views.

 In the back is the skyline of HK Island. I heart my bestie!!!!! Oh and it's Christmas EVERYWHERE in China because they just delete thanksgiving. The malls and tourist areas are all decorated and even the village houses have wreaths!

 We had to get boba with true Chinese green tea!!!!! So good!

I figured I should put up a picture of me actually doing the "mission" part instead of just hanging out. It's hard to take pics when you are working on the houses. We are pretty tired after these work days, but they are very rewarding :)

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