Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Closing thoughts

This trip was refreshing and it was nice that we were ale to stay almost a full month. Kristine and I were laughing because we feel like this could be home. God gave us a lot of favor. We met a lot of people and became instant friends. The western community in Hong Kong is so small that I guess everyone meets each other rather quickly. That was rather unexpected for being is such a HUGE city.

Kristine and I got dirty, painted, moved furniture, survived spider infestation, played with children and taught them english, reconnected with old friends, ate taste bud bursting food, danced, hiked, walked everywhere and LAUGHED and LAUGHED so hard. At everything.

Random story- On the night we went out on the town, K and I were rushing to make the last metro to downtown. Our village is very quiet so we tip toed out of the base, locked the gate and snuck around the corners trying not to make noise. However, the second we rounded one corner of brick buildings, we figured out that the entire village was having a party at midnight!! What? The second they saw us all dressed up the whoops and hollering began. They waved "hello!" "happy hour?" They shouted. I got embarrassed and started running, which made them cheer louder--while K was just laughing. We passed  eventually only to turn another corner and get the second wave. "Hi" I said as I ran by... They were all laughing and whooping and whistling. I guess Chinese girls don't really ever dress like this in the villages. ooops. ... It was sprinkling so we jumped in a taxi, just laughing to ourselves. My sides hurt from the giggling. Then the driver spoke English and asked us all these questions. The kicker -- "Can I get a picture of you two? It's not often you see such beautiful girls" K and I exchanged glances and smiled. "Sure" and then we ran into the metro laughing. We blended much better as soon as we hit downtown. Then we danced all night. Literally. We got back home around 730 am exhausted. One for the memory book.

We LOVED our time with the kids!!! In Hong Kong we got to teach the children English and We got to go just love on orpahans in Thailand. We got rather attached and want to send Christmas gifts. God totally protected and took care of us the entire trip.

The most beautiful thing was how God spoke to our hearts. We both grew closer to him and had great life revelations. God told me some things to hang onto for the future and He was so sweet about it.

We fell in love with the people at the base! The YWAMers were so precious. Kristine didn't know there were actual people who lived in Fiji until we met Thomas. She thought the whole country just manufactured water. It became the running joke. We would stop by our friend Daniel's room to say good night. Our roommate Rachel was so bubbly and we laughed with her a lot. She is from Brazil so we may meet up for Olympics 2016...Bettina was from Switzerland and had the most precious smile. She was younger than us, so K and I absolutely adored her. Mari and Phyllis were total sweethearts. They were so helpful and fun to talk to. Yay for facebook!!!

I am alive. I am refreshed. K and I are entertaining someday living in HK together and teaching English. But for now, I am excited to be back in La in my own cozy room. I'm totally stoked for what God has for me here. He gave me new eyes for this city, which is exciting. Of course, with my traveling addiction, all I can think about is where I would like to go next. Ireland? Isreal? We will see :)

Thanks friends and Family for reading. Or browsing. If you have any questions, please ask!!! Know that God has a plan for your life, something unique and special an remember that God is good. I forgot these things when I went through my post college crisis/ transition. I am so excited to be hopeful again and to feel like myself. Sometimes we need a wake up call. Be encouraged and have fun! Enjoy! Do the crazy things! Much Love!!!!


Random HK photos

Here are some more random photos!!!!

Um... the most amazing hike EVER!!! 

The hike is so old. Up and down, like the back of a dragon

The SAN DIEGO crew! We had so much fun and laughed almost the whole time... Killer stairs. Man in Asia stairs are no joke!

Our friend Virlu teaches English in Hong Kong... It's tempting to think I could do the same. She is originally from San Diego.



Eric took us to the HOT spot where all the young adults hang out and a lot of westerners. We literally went out at 1am and got on the metro at 6am. so. much. fun!

The evening always begins at 7-eleven, affectionately called club 7 eleven. Everyone gets cheap beer and hangs out in the streets before hitting the bars lol. It's hilarious. Basically everyone is scoping out who else is there. It feels like a college scene, except for late 20 early 30 people.

 We took a ferry ride across the water. You can see the whole skyline.

Singin in the Rain!!!!! The rain here is prettier somehow!!!

Thailand Photos

It was beautiful for me to go to Thailand again. Ever since I went 3 years ago, I've been wanting to return. The food there is INCREDIBLE! The thai know how to do spice. Kristine and I got to reconnect with our friends and explore what we didn't see last time. Here's some pics!

This is us at Ginger- a gorgeous romantic Thai restaurant. We ATE so much Thai food... In face that was our goal- to eat as much yummy thai as possible. Good thing we were walking so much!

The view from the back of a sung tao- it's an open air taxi. We took these everywhere! I loved sticking my head out the side window at night

 I took 393848474 pictures of food. Here is one of them- classic pad thai and I'm pretty sure we had thai iced tea EVERY DAY

Kristine and I were laughing so hard. HOW TO use a western toilet.

These are the contacts I stayed with when I first came to Thailand in 2009. I love these people. We enjoyed the afternoon and had the best conversation!

 We hiked Doi Su Thep- a big mountain with a temple at the top- one of the views. Thailand is so luscious!


 We were in Thailand for Thanksgiving, so we celebrated with some YWAMers, who hosted a huge thanksgiving. We had chicken instead of Turkey, but ti was delicious! Definitely a lot to be thankful for!

 Possibly the coolest thing EVER!!! We got to interact with tigers. They are such beautiful animals!

You have to pet them from behind, so they aren't startled or challenged.

 CUTEST!!!! THING!!! EVER!!!! I want one. In white with blue eyes please! They would make their little kitten growling sounds and Kristine got to feed one. They are so playful, this one was sleeping.

My buddy! I could get used to this!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thailand Update

We are in Thailand!!!! The internet here is craaazy slow, so pictures to follow! And we are sooo busy and tired at the end of each day trying to soak it all in.

Here's what you need to know:
I love it here!!!!

It's so green!!!

The food is indescribable. I'm convinced they put magic inside...spicy magic!

Kristine's YWAM friends are so fun!!!! We just hung out and danced ata friends house and they take us to all the best restaurants

Really enjoyed catching up with Norman and Debbie ( the contacts we were with last time I was in Thailand)- an encouraging and God- focused conversation with beautiful people!

Got a Thai massage #paradise

We went on another hike up doi si tep, with an amazing view of the city

We got to pet live tigers on Thanksgiving and in the evening we met up with all the Americans in Chiang Mai for Thanksgiving dinner, but we substituted chicken for turkey--- so cute! Ella fitzgerald played in the background and the candles lit the tables in the yard.The kids played tag and the moment was simply beautiful. Definitely a time to be thankful for all God's blessings

We go see a family of 8 adopted orphans everyday. They warmed up to me on the 2nd day and I fell in love! Everyday we go for a couple hours and play tickle or badmitten or tree climbing or chase.... I adore them. They will be the hardest to leave. We were laughing in the street as I pounded the pavement with my bare feet like they did. White doves flew over our heads, the green mountain towered in the background and the giant palm tree was perfectly silhouetted by the setting sun. We ran and laugehd and sweated. This is my life. Wow. I am humbled and grateful for these moments :)

Coming back to Thailand makes me nostalgic because of how much I grew when I was last here. It's strange and yet there is adventure int he city. It's exploded! Way more cars, traffic and westerners, so the buz of something coming is in the air. Tomorrow we shop!!! yay!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Swadica- Welocme to Thailand!


Definitely plan your trip to the airport ahead of time and ESPECIALLY when you are in a foreign country. KP and I had a plan... a vague plan. Everyone in Hong Kong is so chill we thought it would work out.... So we were supposed to catch this smaller bus to a bigger bus that goes to the airport. Except that no one told us the bus comes every 40 mins and we definitely missed it. But that's cool. I went to college so I guess I have problem solving skills. We can just take a taxi. So let's figure out where to pick one up. And of course in the back of our minds we have a time clock ticking. We see this cute little Chinese schoolgirl walking and ask her if she speaks English. A little. We ask her where to get a taxi and discover girl don't speak good English. So we continue to round the corner and there is a TAXI! We hop inside and tell him where to go and he doesn't speak ANY English. We vaguely know the direction of the stop we are headed. We've been there once before at night and going the opposite direction, but we could probably figure it out. So then we play a scary game of pointing left and right. This looks right, oh, that kind of looks familiar. Then we get tot his strange stretch that looks completely unfamiliar. We're definitely lost. Pull Over, we will get out and find and English speaking taxi driver. So he drops us off and then we realize we are at the place we are supposed to be!!!! God totally kicked it down! We get in line for the right bus and cram on with everyone else like Sardines, but the bus ride is Gorgeous- bridges, waterways and skyrises.

Get to the airport, board the plane. Oh and the guy I'm sitting next to I think is British because he keeps mumbling something about cheers, but he definitely has Tourette's because he kept elbowing me in his sleep and the pilot was hungover because it was the craziest turbulence I've ever experienced. Yes, totally his fault. Then Kristine wanted to take a 8 hour train to Chaing Mai because we flew into Bangkok. But we bought a flight instead. BEST part about Thailand is the food! I had green curry and thai iced tea!!!! They put magic inside. Best airport food I will eat ever! Then we arrive in Chaing Mai and it is perfect and gorgeous and green and much prettier than I remember! It is so fun to be back here again. It feels so right and familiar. The air is cozy. Then Kristine and I waltz out of the airport and start walking down the street with our ghetto rigged bags like hobos. Lots of stares. We find the airport mall and chill for a few hours trying to figure out the name of where we are staying and then get in another Taxi- sung tao (there is no back- it's completely open) with a guy who only speaks Thai. Here we go again! and the city has changed so much since 2009 when K lived here so she doesn't recognize anything. But God so was with us and she found a familiar 7 eleven. And now we sit in out cute little thai room ready for an exciting week!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dragon's Back

Ummmm… best day EVVVER!!!! Today our friend Verilu took us on a 5 hour hike of the dragon’s back. The trail was named that because it literally goes up and down like a dragon’s back. There is a portion where you walk through the lush, thick jungle and all the while you are climbing the mountain. At the top of the mountain you discover you are on an Isthmus with breathtaking views of the ocean below on both sides. It was raining for part of the journey, so it was cool, but wet and some of the pathways were particularly slippery on the mud and rocks. But we made it with no injuries and it was one of the most beautiful hikes I’ve ever been on in my life! The city will peekaboo through the mountains for a fantastic hong kong flavor!

The internet is being dumb here in the village, so I only can upload 2 pictures. It won't do justice, but use your imagination... 

Afterwards, food was in order to cure our starving. Indonesian fried rice, new york style pizza, starbucks and then off to see 007 Skyfall. Did the antagonist totally outshine bond?! Incredible acting and who doesn’t love Judi? The script was fun and the humor hit. Very well cast. I was definitely the loudest in the theatre. Then Kristine and I had our own little Bond adventure trying to get home after we realized that the metro stops running at midnight. What???!!! We are 40 mins from home. We were literally running through the metro mall and racing down the stilled escalators. I couldn’t stop laughing, which wasn’t helping. Thankfully our friend Eric speaks Cantonese, so we discovered there is a mysterious bus that goes near our village and then we can take a cab. We have 12 minutes until the busses stop. We frantically call friends  who look up the schedule and then we figure out the bus, now only to find the stop. 6 minutes left… more stairs?! Like we didn’t already hike a mountain today?! We reach one of the many exits and it just happens to be the right one for the bus sign is our beacon of hope. The bus ride is soooo beautiful. The shining skyrises and bridges of Hong Kong dazzle as we zoom past to our bus stop (which the angel lady on the bus directed us to). Then we wait politely in line for a taxi with all the other locals- I think that’s so cute and Asian of everyone. Home safe. Sleep! Like I said, best day ever! 

OHHHH and I have 54 mosquito bites, just so you know.... So when you think you are in pain, just think of me and it will make you feel better.

The Secret Garden

This is a strange little story for all my girls out there or anyone who hates bugs:

Kristine (KP) and I were informed that we were going to be painting all day directly outside our cozy apartment. Just as we were about to pour the paint, one of the staff members tells us we are now helping a woman move. “Sure, I mean, we are in flip flops, but yeah we can be flexible.” After moving an apartment down three flights of a stairwell even smaller than Euro style, we load the moving truck. Okay, now back to paint.

Oh, wait… she needs help moving into her new place. Sweet, we can do that. There weren’t enough seats for the 4 of us (2 other guys were there… thank God) plus her, so I found myself sitting on a bag of clothes in the back of a Chinese moving van, which was very exciting at the beginning. Then a half hour later the smell of gasoline was overwhelming and I kept thinking (why we think these strange things I have no idea) “What if we get into a crazy accident? or the truck flips? What if I die here in the back of this Chinese moving truck?” Sad, yes. But more pathetic than anything else because it is always disappointing to die so dumbly.

THEN…. we get to the village. I drink some water. Hydrated, check. The lady doesn’t mention that the house she is moving into is secret garden status. AKA abandoned for years. IF ONLY I could express the scene. Try to imagine a gate overgrown with vines and a two story mansion hidden behind the brush in the middle of this ancient village. At first you imagine all the parties and grand entrances. You see the people with champagne glasses laughing and the camera pans out to reveal chandeliers….okay, well maybe there was tea instead of champagne because this is Asia not the roaring 20’s, Christina. Anyway, we step into the house and I have not seen so many spiders in my life. Now picture (and remember you are a girl) an eerie yet beautiful haunted mansion , cobwebs on cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, spiders dancing on the walls and threatening from every side of the room. The dust is thick as we make footsteps through it all. Leaves and vines have found their various corners and a curiosity grips the air. The rooms are many and the patio is open, a tile mural spreads over the wall in the main room where grand pictures used to hang as children played the piano, or at least that’s what I imagined. The stairs were far too foreboding so I took the Chinese woman’s word that the second floor existed.

Kristine and I took each step with caution, tension gripping every muscle as we inched from one infested room to another overwhelmed by the creepy crawlers, but enchanted by the architecture. We began to sweep, grabbing for each others hands whenever possible for encouragement. I continued the constant turning to make sure a rat-sized spider couldn’t sneak up on me. A sudden scream and a cockroach rushes for the hole in the wall. Dingy dust permeates the air and I imagine what the bite of a black widow or brown recluse would do…thankfully the closest hospital is down the street. And then, yep. I feel a slight tickle on my shoulder and as I turn and flail, one of the guys taps my other shoulder. He walks away laughing. Boys think they are so funny sometimes. KP and I are being brave. She has arachnophobia and I’m very seriously grossed out. Anyway, the Chinese lady is cleaning like this is normal and the guys are helping toss rotting wood out of the house. The kicker- a stinging pinch grabs my leg. Mosquitoes!!!!!!! And they never come in less than a clan. I’ve been so stressed, I haven’t noticed the 10 new bites I’ve discovered. In the next 5 minutes I kill several of them on my skin and then the itching comes- breaking point. I’m done. KP and I politely leave the room, drop the brooms and keep staring at our legs and arms in a severely paranoid fashion waiting by the door to leave. The Chinese woman pretends not to understand when we say we have to go, which at that moment made me so angry. She spoke English well. Anyways, we prayed over the house. She felt God told her to fix it up for missionaries and pastors to stay in.

Now, stop. I know what you are thinking, the over- exaggeration of a sheltered American snob. But I don’t think it was the wisest to be in a clearly condemned house, fighting off all kinds of poisonous vermin, inhaling who knows what through the stagnant dust of generations past. We went back to our clean apartment and painted, hung out with a friend in the city, had noodles, McFlurries and everything. It wasn’t until late that night in the “about to fall asleep chat” where we processed our shock and panic. Anyway, it was a strangely funny, yet scary and mysterious experience. No repeats needed.