Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The night before


Hello Friends and Family!

This is for those of you brave enough to go on this journey with me. And others who are curious and want to stay in touch :) My childhood best friend, Kristine and I planned a mission trip to Hong Kong for 26 days. I was having a post graduation crisis trying to figure out what to do with my life, so when Kristine found a great rate on airline tickets to Hong Kong, we couldn't resist.

Kristine and I knew each other since we were 2, so we get each other. When we went into fifth grade she moved a couple cities away. But when you are in middle school and are car-less, that might as well be on the other side of the world. We didn't really see each other for a few years as life drifted on. The next time I saw her we were half way across the world in Thailand. She was doing a residence in Chang Mai and I was on a mission trip.We were able to spend one night together there! We biked around the night bazaar, dodging people as I piggybacked on the back of her bike. Of course she was joking and our giggles echoed down the streets with tin roofs and dangling lights hanging in the balance. It was truly a bonding experience.

3 years later we are on another adventure. We will be working with YWAM in Hong Kong another ministry in mainland China and visiting Thailand for a few days. All that thai food was calling our name and we both have friends there.

Am I excited? YES. My heart beats for a good adventure! Hong Kong seems very pretty and sparkly and glamorous. I don't doubt it will be nothing but fun. I hope we can fit everything in. Our itinerary is packed and we are game for anything. And yes, we are two young girls. We won't do anything stupid like get married to Chinese men looking for a green card, unless they are incredibly attractive and stinking rich... that was a joke. Mostly, I am excited to grow closer to God. I get antsy when I've been in America too long. There's a freedom when you can temporarily ditch the job, expectations, and think about other people for a change. I will probably fall in love with all the kids at the orphanage.

Please PRAY for us whenever you think about us, even if it's just for 2 seconds. We know that God is going to do great things and prayer is powerful!

oh, and if you want to post smiley faces or if something I say triggers a memory or a response, I'd love to hear it. post post post--- let's be artisitc about this haha.

Thanks guys and much love!

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